
Lock it in Eddie… no, not that Eddie. This Eddie has a serious penchant for changing names faster than a chameleon changes colours, Freddie, Eddie, sometimes Rachael, or even Sarah—she’ll respond to just about anything—and she’s already made her mark in the FLAWGS arena, despite her relatively short but eventful career.


While many may question her choice of supporting Carlton, Eddie remains steadfast in her allegiance to the underdogs. With unwavering support for her team, she adds a touch of unpredictability to the FLAWGS tournament. Who knows, maybe her unyielding loyalty will ignite a spark of greatness within the Carlton players themselves.


One of Eddie’s remarkable talents is her ability to master games in a remarkably short period of time. While others may take months or years to become proficient, Eddie seems to possess an innate knack for learning the ins and outs of any game in record time. Her dedication and quick thinking make her a formidable opponent, capable of surprising even the most seasoned FLAWGS veterans.


However, Eddie is not without her quirks. She has a notorious reputation for occasionally confusing her opponents with her ever-changing aliases. Just when you think you have her figured out, she introduces herself by a completely different name, leaving her competitors momentarily bewildered. It’s all part of her playful charm and strategic mind games, ensuring that her adversaries never quite know what to expect.


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Mind Games


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