Spicy McHaggis

McHaggis is the proud owner of a bionic ear, which has caused some fellow FLAWGS to complain about an unfair advantage and the term “P.E.S.” (Performance Enhancing Substances) has been whispered when he’s out of earshot. In fact, these whispers have slowly grown louder, which has prompted a full investigation by ASADA.


With the ASADA cloud hanging over his head he’s tried to take his mind off the investigation by playing Elvis music as loud as he can, as often as he can. We’re not sure if this is to distract himself from impending doom or to make it difficult for ASADA to get hold of him. I mean, if Izzy can’t hear the phone or the doorbell then it’s going to be tough for ASADA to get in touch with him.




Half Robotic (Bionic Ear)

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