Irish Robbo For The Win

Irish Robbo For The Win

The third FLAWGS meeting for 2019 was a day of many firsts. It was the first-ever FLAWGS day to be held in Maribyrnong; it was Laura’s first FLAWGS meeting; and it was also the first time Laura ever placed a tennis ball in a stocking, stuck it over her head and attempted to knock over some plastic cups by swinging it around the room (we’ll get to that later). However, the most important first belonged to Irish Robbo. For the first time, Robbo managed to sweep the entire crew of Leckenbys, Franzes, and Weirs to the side, wrap his hands around the trophy, hold it high above his head and claim a sweet, sweet FLAWGS victory.

But let’s start at the very beginning. Games organisers Izzy and Spicy put their thinking caps on and split everyone into two teams to do battle in a range of minute-to-win-it style games; one of which was the Elephant Walk (which explains Laura’s odd, aforementioned stocking behaviour). Fortunately for Laura and Paul, they managed to win the Elephant Walk. Unfortunately for Laura and Paul, there’s photographic proof of their victory. Laura and Paul – look away now. Everyone else … enjoy!

Where were we? Ahh, yes. The teams were as follows: Team 1 –  Spicy, Lamy, Izzy, Logi Bear, Ranga, Linda. Team 2 – Irish Robbo, Fudge, Laura, Paul, Clecken. Team 2 dominated the games from the get-go and by the time Team 1 had woken up, Team 2 had nearly knocked it out of the park. A few late victories for Team 1 helped even out the results slightly, but it was clear that Team 2 were the winners. Now that Team 1 was out of the way, these rather smug champions moved on to the final where friend became foe as they battled it out against each other in a winner-takes-all elimination showdown.

The challenge? Knockdown as many red cups as possible in the shortest time possible using only a ping pong ball. Fudge didn’t seem to understand the rules because she took a very long time to knock them down (shortest time, Fudge, not longest time!). Laura was a little more respectable but wasn’t quick enough to snag a podium finish. Paul performed well all day and managed to sneak into third place and claim his first FLAWGS points. Congratulations Paul! (For this you deserve a reward – we’ll arrange for your FLAWGS character to be unlocked! Linda – sorry, better luck next time!) Clecken continued his consistent form with another podium finish and moved into tied second.

Yet the most impressive contestant by far was Irish Robbo!! He was in top gear all day and burst into first place with a showstopping performance in the final. Irish was clearly chuffed to get his hands on the FLAWGS Cup. Word has it that he rarely lets the trophy out of sight and has even been spotted giving it a peck goodnight before bed. It’s a great achievement, so we can’t really begrudge him this slightly odd behaviour. Congratulations Irish!!


Team 1: Spicy, Lamy, Izzy, Logi Bear, Ranga, Linda | Team 2: Irish Robbo, Fudge, Laura, Paul, Clecken


Game 1: Pencil Catch Winner: Irish Robbo & Fudge (Team 2) | Game 2: Egg Carton Beer Pong Winner: Team 2 | Game 3: Elephant Walk Winner: Laura | Game 4: Glitter Ball Catch Winner: Team 2 | Game 5: Partner Stand Up Winner: Team 1 | Izzy and Spicy


Finalists: Team 2 | Game: Red Cup Bowling | Winner: Irish Robbo

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